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Cat disease - Feline Calicivirus (FCV)

Cat disease - Feline Calicivirus (FCV)

Caliciviruses occur in the numerous strains, some which cannot be prevented by vaccinations. Roughly 20% of all cats shed caliciviruses, whose principal victims in catteries are kittens. Caliciviruses are shed in faeces and saliva and are able to survive for 1 or 2 weeks at room temperature.

Cat Symptoms

These include fever, limping and blisters ranging in size from pinpoint to large and occurring on the palate or tongue. Ulcers may also appear on the lips, nose and limbs. In general, calicivirus infections are milder than FVR infections.

Cat Diagnosis

Calicivirus infections are diagnosed by examining cultures taken from the throat, nose or eyes.

Cat Treatment

The best treatment is supportive care, a well balanced diet, plenty of liquids, and a warm environment. A soft-food diet will allow lesions to heal. Chronic cases should be tested for FeLV (Feline Leukemia) and FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency) infections.

Cat Prevention

Vaccination, for those strains of calicivirus for which vaccines are available is the most effective form of preventive treatment, good cattery management, including management if the cattery population is also important.


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