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My Christmas Cats

Two months later in November,after Air Canada told Vanessa Summerfield her cat named George went missing at Edmonton International Airport.The cat found by the airline withfrozen body. When Summerfield had a vet check to make sure it was him, the dead cat turned out to be an unidentified female.

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Pet cat trapped, shot 27 times and survives

cat worldsThree-year-old silver tabby Sparky was shot after going missing from his house in Caernarfon. In a remarkable case of animal cruelty, a cat was shot 27 times with an air rifle, but survived. It was trapped in a cage and shot at point blank range, twice in the face, and the cat sill has some pellets lodged in its body.

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cat worlds : Dozens of cats, found living in filthy conditions

cat worlds : EVERETT - Nine cats were dead and dozens of others found living in deplorable conditions in a house on Friday. Authorities on Friday night seized 40 cats and kittens and eight finches from a house in the 11,700-block of Center Road, Snohomish County Animal Control spokeswoman Vicki Lubrin said.

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cat of the month, Hanna..!!!

cat worlds - There are still many cats and kittens looking for good homes in the Animal Shelter and other Canyon County Boise area Humane Society shelter. Like the beautiful tourtoise shell calico, Hanna, older cats are harder to find adoptive parents for. Most people are distracted by all the cute little kittens available.

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